The Yuktabhavadeva

A concise description of Haṭhayoga from a 17th century source


The Yuktabhavadeva, which means "The god who is engaged in the world", is a 17th-century compilation on yoga written by Bhavadevamiśra, a Maithila Brahman. This text is a fine example of how Haṭha and Rājayoga were absorbed into mainstream Brahmanical thought.

It contains a passage with a concise description of Haṭhayoga as a simple seated practice repeated four times a day for 48 minutes for 6 months (or longer).  Colourful visual metaphors describe the states achieved by consistent practice of this technique.

Bhavadevamiśra work brings together teachings of Haṭha and Rājayoga with the Pātañjalayogaśāstra and traditional Brahmanical texts such as the Mahābhārata, Purāṇas, Dharmaśāstras, Upaniṣads and so on. Bhavadevamiśra was also fond of the Yogavāsiṣṭha and quotes it extensively in this text.

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The Yuktabhavadeva (chapter 11, verses 121-29)

atha haṭhayogasya saṃkṣepo 'bhidhīyate

savyena gulphena gudaṃ nipīḍya savyetareṇaiva nipīḍya sandhim || dakṣiṇe kare savyaṃ karaṃ sthāpayitvā samāṅge netre nāsikāgre bhrūmadhye vā dhārayitvā manasā mūlādhārasthāṃ śikhāṃ paśyed iti ||121||

evaṃ prātarmadhyāhnasandhyārdharātreṣu muhūrtam api samabhyasato yogino dinadaśakenaiva gudadvāranirodhād ūrdhvam udgacchatāpānena pratyarpito vahnir ūrdhvajvālo bhavati ||122||

tataḥ śarīralaghutā jāṭharānaladīptinādābhivyaktayo bhavanti || tataḥ ṣaṇmāsena vatsareṇa vālpamūtrapurīṣatvam || vāhanāsanādau ca nirbhayatvaṃ ca bhavati ||123||

tato 'nilena sārdham analaṃ nābhau dhārayet || tena tatrasthakuṇḍalinīrūpiṇaś cakriṇaḥ prabodho bhavati ||124||

tataḥ kalevare paṭe tantava iva vāyavaḥ sañcaranti || tato vahniṃ tathaivānilena saha nābher ūrdhvaṃ nayet ||125||

tato rogā nasyanti || vahnivṛddhikāntyādayaś ca bhavanti || atha hṛtpaṅkajaṃ vahnisahito vāyuḥ praviśya protphullaṃ karoti || tato vidyānidhitvaṃ bhavati ||126||

tataḥ sa vahniṃ vāyuṃ bhruvor madhye samāropya candraṃ buddhyā paśyet || tadantare cātmānaṃ vibhāvayet || tatra ca mano līnaṃ kuryāt ||127||

tatphalam uktaṃ yājñavalkyena [Yogayājñavalkya 12.25-26]
mano layaṃ yadā yāti bhrūmadhye yogināṃ tadā |
jihvāmūle 'mṛtasrāvo bhrūmadhye cātmadarśanam ||128||

kampanaṃ ca tathā mūrdhni manasaivātmadarśanam
devodyānāni ramyāṇi nakṣatrāṇi ca candramāḥ
ṛṣayaḥ siddhagandharvāḥ prakāśante ca yoginām ||129||

From "Yuktabhavadeva of Bhavadeva Miśra” 
(edited by Gharote and Jha. Lonavla: The Lonavla Yoga Institute, 2002)