
Yogic wisdom with academic rigour.

The Luminescent aims to be the world's leading source of Yoga research, providing original research from primary sources.

We are an independent collaborative hub for scholars, researchers, teachers and practitioners of Yoga, and offer a place to share the latest academic thinking in the form of short-form articles, essays, book reviews, visual and material evidence, talks, interviews, and online courses.

Our contributors include scholars from world-class educational institutions, such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, SOAS University of London, University of Vienna, University of Alberta, Harvard University, and more.

Our primary focus is the rich history and diverse practice of Yoga. This includes the study of Yoga's history in original languages, such as Sanskrit and Persian, as well as its place in contemporary society, which may take the form of transnational and global health initiatives, such as the United Nations' "International Yoga Day."

We are supporters of open-access education worldwide.

The Luminescent was founded by Jacqueline Hargreaves, BE (Hons) and Jason Birch, DPhil (Oxon) in 2011.

Contact us: info@TheLuminescent.org