LONGEVITY | A Timeline of Ayurveda and Yoga


This is a visual tour of an exhibition by the AyurYog Project, which was postponed due to COVID19. 

LONGEVITY | A Timeline of Ayurveda and Yoga.

This timeline highlights some of the key milestones and historically significant evidence in the entangled histories of yoga and Ayurveda. It is a visual expression of the extensive philological research of the AyurYog Project.

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Jacqueline Hargreaves (www.TheLuminescent.org)

AyurYog Project (ayuryog.org), University of Vienna.

Sound: No Audio.

Length: 35 minutes.

LONGEVITY | A Timeline of Ayurveda and Yoga.
A visual expression of the extensive philological research of the AyurYog Project.

00:00  •  LONGEVITY | A Timeline of Yoga and Ayurveda
01:25  •  [400–200 BCE]  Early Buddhism: Pāli Canon and Mahāvastu
02:11  •  [100–500 CE]  Carakasaṃhitā
02:57  •  [300 CE]  Suśrutasaṃhitā
03:51  •  [400–500 CE]  Pātañjalayogaśātra
04:55  •  [700 CE]  Aṣṭāṅghṛdayasaṃhitā
06:00  •  [600–700 CE]  Dharmaputrikā
07:06  •  [1000–1100 CE]  Kālacakratantra and the Vimalaprabhā
09:52  •  [1100 CE]  Amṛtasiddhi
10:40  •  [1200 CE]  Amaraugha
12:41  •  [1200–1300 CE]  Vasiṣṭhasaṃhiitā
14:44  •  [1200–1300 CE]  Vivekamārtaṇḍa
16:59  •  [1300–1400 CE]  Yogayājñavalkya
20:59  •  [1300 CE]  Yogabīja
22:57  •  [1400 CE]  Yogatārāvalī
23:49  •  [1400 CE]  Gorakṣaśataka
24:41  •  [1400 CE]  Khecarīvidyā
26:52  •  [1450 CE]  Haṭhpradīpikā
28:03  •  [1500 CE]  Āyurvedasūtra
29:12  •  [1600 CE]  Yuktabhavadeva
30:22  •  [1737 CE]  Jogapradīpyakā
31:33  •  [1850 CE]  Haṭhasaṅketacandrikā
32:20  •  [1800 CE]  Satkarmasaṅgraha